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Nov 26, 2020

We talk about what happened on Thanksgiving, 1982, the year we were born.  Among other things.

Nov 19, 2020

This week, we had an impromptu visit from our friend, and Duncan’s DogFather, Charles Blair! You can’t tell by listening, but this was his first time getting on the mic in a podcast studio, and he’s a natural. We talked about his experience with helping run a wrestling school when he was a young lad. We also...

Nov 12, 2020

This week, we were on Simon Time Trivia Show episode 157, check that out if you haven't already. Let us know how your score compares to ours if you play along at home.

In this episode, by popular demand, we blast our brains in rapid-fire succession! We discussed ridiculously long names, short people, fart statistics and...

Nov 5, 2020

Lesley and Etchie talk about cleaning cars and why many people's are really dirty, among other things.